Home :: wilhelm.tel GmbH (AS15943)

AS15943 is responsible for ~30.18 MB/s of traffic, with 4 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
flachmon (11) 34f6c717 22.79 MB/s AS15943 wilhelm.tel GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2022-04-23
NetdriverHera 90a88e4a 4.56 MB/s AS15943 wilhelm.tel GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2024-05-16
h4xx none 2.41 MB/s AS15943 wilhelm.tel GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2024-01-22
b5408b331b13dd 11b235d3 424.13 KB/s AS15943 wilhelm.tel GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-06-20