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Relays with contact info email:vasilis+tor@pikachu.systems url:https://pikachu.systems/ proof:uri-rsa abuse:vasilis+tor@pikachu.systems pgp:7B20EFA996823CBD195538714075F321CD36DA85 matrix:@vasilisthechu:matrix.org xmr:44WjwcZLnGXVe1UqdwBidrAi5B8WAZ9bTdFRnzcd4h6s9VhUP4WhVib8j7GpX2EmNv4XPAs9vhLkjKt2XWzZKQKW1LNJkLf ciissversion:2 are responsible for ~24.1 MB/s of traffic, with 1 middle relay.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
RelayChu (2) 01bcb34e 24.1 MB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2021-12-22