Home :: Georgia

Georgia (ge) is responsible for ~53.01 MB/s of traffic, with 7 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
MoneroF... none 13.13 MB/s AS41111 FAST GEO HOSTING S.R.L. Georgia Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-12-10
BuyOnlyXMRcoin none 12.11 MB/s AS41111 FAST GEO HOSTING S.R.L. Georgia Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-12-10
XMRisBe... none 10.1 MB/s AS41111 FAST GEO HOSTING S.R.L. Georgia Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-12-10
Batumi (3) none 4.59 MB/s AS202223 Odrex Software LLC Georgia Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-25
Kazbegi (3) none 4.42 MB/s AS202223 Odrex Software LLC Georgia Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-24
Stepantsminda (3) none 4.38 MB/s AS202223 Odrex Software LLC Georgia Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-24
Unnamed none 4.27 MB/s AS35805 JSC "Silknet" Georgia Darwin Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2024-10-09