Home :: Family 1C250A48802B96EEC4E1E829D40ABC13E2B187CE

Relays with effective family member 1C250A48802B96EEC4E1E829D40ABC13E2B187CE are responsible for ~48.65 MB/s of traffic, with 2 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
VortexChaser (2) ee9ce87a 26.28 MB/s AS51396 Pfcloud UG Netherlands Linux BadExit Fast MiddleOnly Running Stable Valid 2024-10-18
VortexChaser (2) ee9ce87a 22.37 MB/s AS51396 Pfcloud UG Netherlands Linux BadExit Fast MiddleOnly Running Stable Valid 2024-10-18