Home :: Family 874204606C147C295B3541062285DF6740209D0E

Relays with effective family member 874204606C147C295B3541062285DF6740209D0E are responsible for ~45.47 MB/s of traffic, with 10 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
GermanCraft17 (13) 58264a99 12.66 MB/s AS8560 IONOS SE Germany Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft15 (13) 58264a99 7.54 MB/s AS24961 WIIT AG Germany Linux Fast Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft31 (10) 58264a99 6.22 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft3 (10) 58264a99 5.52 MB/s AS200462 Lennart Seitz... Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2019-02-18
GermanCraft32 (10) 58264a99 5.07 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft30 (10) 58264a99 5.06 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft20 (10) 58264a99 852.91 KB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft21 (10) 58264a99 848.43 KB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2023-07-05
GermanCraft18 (10) 58264a99 847.13 KB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-01-22
GermanCraft19 (10) 58264a99 841.14 KB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-01-22