Home :: Family 9DE4E74D3BA33FF627195D286D77ED4753074D18

Relays with effective family member 9DE4E74D3BA33FF627195D286D77ED4753074D18 are responsible for ~17.5 MB/s of traffic, with 5 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
ballers1 (34) d36dc8b3 4.09 MB/s AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc. United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2019-02-18
rockstars3 (24) d36dc8b3 4.02 MB/s AS46844 Sharktech United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-22
rockstars4 (24) d36dc8b3 3.71 MB/s AS46844 Sharktech United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-22
ballers2 (24) d36dc8b3 3.06 MB/s AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc. United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2019-07-18
ballers3 (5) d36dc8b3 2.61 MB/s AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc. United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2023-03-19