Home :: 2024-09-12

Relays started on 2024-09-12 are responsible for ~38.66 MB/s of traffic, with 5 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
Zensursula (29) 8f0a8302 19.52 MB/s AS16276 OVH SAS Poland Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-12
morgoth 643c2547 9.57 MB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linux Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2024-09-12
ellenatfims f4980498 7.04 MB/s AS823 University of... Canada Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-12
hpproSW3 none 2.53 MB/s AS52092 Alf servis, s.r.o. Czechia Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-12
Unnamed none 0.0 KB/s AS48753 AVA HOST SRL Moldova, Republic of Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-12